Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Preparation for Pre-Production of Total Drama: Gonudie Island!

Hey guys just giving an update on some of the steps we'll be taking in the Pre-Production of Total Drama: Gonudie Island. On September 20th Crush TV Productions will be moving to Alberta to start Pre-Production. During pre-production we'll be working on Storyboards, Poses, Backgrounds, Props, Buildings (Cabins, Mess Hall, Carter's Trailer,), Challenge set ups and places associated with challenges, and special characters (special guests and or characters that appear in challenges). We'll be doing all this while I learn 2D Animation online the best I can to help speed up the production process when we get there. We'll be doing these exclusively for 6 months then Crush TV Production will be moving back to Kelowna, BC to start learning 2D Animation in an established institute. Crush TV Production will be recording behind the scenes footage of pre-production for you our fans to help keep you in touch with our progress. Also Crush TV Production will be releasing it's first Documentary The Journey: A Jesse Ilg Story on September 20th as well debuting some of the finished character models in it so stay tuned for that as well. Remember stay beautiful and keep being Total Drama Fan-Tastic!

Jesse Ilg.

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