Thursday, August 28, 2014

Total Drama Oskayi Island Update

Hey everybody just giving the blog a quick update as I'm currently at the moment not feeling so good and I can really get new video out so I'm giving you guys an update like this.

Total Drama Oskayi Island

So a lot of people are asking me how the show is going or if I've made any progress in terms of getting it made and so on. So currently I'm working on re-writes again, this is basically just re-writing episodes that I don't really care for and making them more interesting and better then they were before.

Also I've decided to start production on my own for Total Drama Oskayi Island once I'm finished my 2D Animation course in college. What does this mean? This means you'll start seeing special content that I've animated in college for projects and so on. This could be audition tapes, special music videos (not fan made music videos, custom made and animated music videos), maybe sneak peeks scenes made together into a trailer of some sort, more character poses and models, voice actor audio clips or even a storyboard rough cut of the intro of Total Drama Oskayi Island.

The Jesse Gil Story

With the Jesse Gil Story I'm waiting till I get back into college to start doing more work on the campaign and just so I have some professional opinions on what to do or if what I'm planning on promising as perks is even possible. Plus while in college I hope to bring some of my classmates in to help on the project so we have a team of people working on the project instead of just me, this goes for Total Drama Oskayi Island as well. 

So for The Jessse Gil Story I hope to make this a YouTube series or maybe even sell it to Netflix or something but we'll have to wait and see how it does. When I launch the campaign I hope it generates enough publicity to get it on Netflix or some sort of Network on Television. I've been thinking a lot about what kind of show The Jesse Gil Story will be and I've finally figured out it will be a show making fun of high school stereotypes that I've encountered in my time in highschool. 

Examples of some episodes might be something like this, ie; Jesse is told to investigate some recent activity from the Nerdy Card Game Playing Kids and finds out they're working with NGK, Jesse is then challenged to a card battle and if he wins the Card Playing Kids will give him everything he wants to know about NGK. Jesse then has to dig through all his old junk and find his battle cards he put away a long time ago and beat the new generation of Card Battlers using his old school style of playing. Through the episode we learn that Jesse Gil and his friend Simon were the Card Battling champions and were un-beatable but Jesse loses the Card Battle and him and Simon work together to remake his deck in order to beat them. The side plot could be Trinity, Kelly and Rebekkah dealing with some sort of problem as well but I haven't thought that far into that episode. That's the kind of stuff I'd like to get into with The Jesse Gil Story and hopefully when the campaign opens up you'll have be able to donate in some way.

Going to College

I'm gonna be attending the Centre For Arts and Technology 2D Animation Program to learn how to animate and be an effective member in an animation studio. Most of my work will be done in the Total Drama style unless requested by my teachers who I know will tell me to have a wide range of work so I don't look so one dimensional but I want most of my work at College to be content you guys will enjoy as well. I hope I'm able to make both intros for The Jesse Gil Story and Total Drama Oskayi Island while in college and both seem very doable do to the fact they are only gonna be 30-45 second long clips. If possible I might try to make a trailer for Total Drama Oskayi Island as well as The Jesse Gil Story.

The for reading guys and I hope I can keep uploading as much as possible, have an awesome day guys.

Jesse Ilg.

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